JoMo’s passion for inspiring kids is making an impact in the classroom

Media production, streaming, YouTube and gaming are at the center of children’s interests and schools need support keeping up with them

JoMo helps teachers address these subjects in the classroom by talking about his extensive background streaming on Twitch, making videos on YouTube and being an active gamer since the 90s. During guest speaking events, kids can learn about:

  • Safe, positive gaming online and understanding the importance of protecting your privacy

  • Balancing screentime with everything else in life such as being outdoors and staying active

  • Recognizing bullying when gaming online and how to handle it

  • How to learn the technical skills needed for media production and creating online content

  • How content creation and personal branding can help open up career opportunities in the future

… and lots more!

JoMo AKA John Morton teaching kids at guest speaking event

Teaching logo design to future YouTubers at RayCam Co-operative Centre

Check out how JoMo partnered with Anaheim Elementary School District’s Digital Education Services Department to bring expertise and credibility to their Esports program. Over 70 students across 14 schools joined in to ask JoMo all about video games, YouTube and what it’s like to be a content creator.

Esports & Positive Gaming - GROUP A (skip to 11:52)

Streaming & Content Creation - GROUP B (skip to 4:50)

Do you have a specific interest in learning about streaming?

Check out JoMo’s Growth Hacker’s Guide to Growing Your Twitch Channel: a 6-part series all about how to start streaming on any platform. Learn about the type of equipment, software, tools and proper settings needed to go live, setup a channel, grow an audience and more.