A Message To Parents, From JoMo

JoMo Kids

If you've come this far, thank you for taking the time to learn more about JoMo Kids! As its creator, I meet this opportunity to inspire children with great responsibility and care. JoMo Kids means the world to me, and I have poured hundreds of hours of care into every episode. If you and/or your little ones enjoy the show and believe in what I am doing, I humbly ask you to consider supporting me on Patreon here.

If you are new to Patreon, it’s a membership platform that gives people a direct way to support their favourite creators. Patreon provides a chance for people to change the way we value and sustain digital artists like me.

As a Patreon supporter, you will be helping me continue to create and expand my content and elevate the production. To show my thanks, you or your little one(s) will be credited at the end of each video as part of JoMo's Official “Farm Helpers” and get discounts on JoMo Kids merchandise. There is a whole world of imagination and learning that lives between video games and real life. It is my dream to create content that helps connect children to this and their own sense of wonder. To keep doing this though, I need your help. Thank you for your consideration - and see you again soon on the farm!

— JoMo (John Morton)